Importance of support

You are not alone, there are hundreds of thousands of people suffering from weight issues. What you need to understand is that it will take perseverance from your end and a lot of support from the people you love. It makes a lot of difference when people who matter support you, guide you, help you and stand by you.


People around you matter: if we consider your typical day, you would be meeting your parents or your spouse, your kids , your colleagues, now if they admire you, love you and support you in your endeavour to lose weight  it would be a tremendous help to you.

On the other hand consider a scenario in which you are surrounded by obese people, who eat unnecessarily and have no intention of losing weight themselves. What would happen, they would discourage you, make fun of you, de-motivate you and knowingly or unknowingly, not let your diet succeed. So it is imperative that we surround us with people who will be our support system and not otherwise.

The well-wishers: Sometimes it’s an issue of too much care. Though mostly our well-wishers actually mean well but then, in certain situations you need to take a tough stance and put your foot down. But a word of caution – “don’t break a loving heart” so understand their emotions and be gentle but firm with them.

A mother may get angry if you refuse her loving baked cake, a spouse may feel hurt if you refuse to eat your favourite chocolate that your spouse has lovingly got for you, your spouse may become insecure seeing you getting back in shape and this insecurity may surface in the form of irritation and fights.

Don’t lose hope, understand the state of mind of your loved ones and do take time out for reassuring them, but stick to your diet/weight loss program for sure. Once lax always lax and it would ruin whatever progress you have made so far.

The environment: There will be people who would not want you to succeed for their own vested interests, it may be colleagues, work friends, neighbours etc.. these people may be jealous or insecure of you and they would pull you down. Beware of such people and purge your environment of them.

Build a circle of positivity around you. Take steps to cleanse your environment of temptations and get support from those people for who you matter.

Community helps: Meetings with likeminded people would give you a perspective on fitness and good health. People who have gone through a similar experience are the best guides they can give you tips to make it easier for you. On interacting with them you would also realize that they have either gone or our undergoing through a similar situation and so comparing notes would give you the much needed push in the right direction.

Get a coach: A coach guides, mentors, encourages and helps you by planning a diet suitable for your age, gender, health and lifestyle. A coach views you as a unique individual and works with you to attain your realistic goals. The coach is a professional with experience and education to help you. A coach helps you to open your mind to new ways to live and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

At “Choosemydiet”, our professionals can guide you and help you attain your goal of fitness and good health. Please write to us on and from there we will hold your hand and take you to your destination.