When to diet? Do I need to diet? Does diet work? Should I diet?

When to diet? Do I need to diet? Does diet work? Should I diet? This is the question our dieticians and doctors are plagued-with everyday  from anxious people seeking answers to questions like

– Am I  fat?

– Do I look obese?

– I can’t lose weight no matter what I do?should i diet

– I am like this since childhood.

– I can never be slim?

-I don’t have time.

– I travel a lot, so how to follow a specific diet?

– All these weight loss techniques are money making tactics!

– You would gain double the weight when the diet would stop. and on and on and on

so do these questions seem familiar??? 🙂

Have you also been in these situations often or are currently slotted in the above mentioned scenarios….. fear not. “Choosemydiet” is here as your diet specialist to help you.

But first and foremost, please understand the objective should be fitness and good health not weightloss. Weight loss can be a medium to achieve fitness and a healthy body or it may be a byproduct of achieving a state of fitness and health for yourself.
Now since we have established the basics, lets discuss these questions one by one and discuss on what can be done …

So let’s start with the moot questions of “Am I fat” or “Do I look obese”. The psychology behind these questions is

– Our perception of being fat in comparative to a person of desire or of envy….

– Degenerative thoughts regarding skinny as being equivalent to be being pretty and sexy.

So let’s understand a fact that each individual is unique, what you have been endowed with is what is best suited for your body type. Accept yourself as you are and then aim at becoming healthy keeping within the boundaries set by Mother Nature. Anything drastic in terms of gain or loss in weight can wreak havoc on your body and can ruin or maim you in the long run.

Ok, so we have established the fact the you need to accept yourself  as the first step. Now think on why you feel that you cannot lose weight.

There are two basic and simple principles to weight loss

– eat optimum as in eat the required calories

– exercise and burn the extra calories

any person following the above two is bound to lose weight.

Now, to address the question of weight doubling back when the diet/ regime is stopped. well lets understand the logic behind it. In an ideal scenario when the diet regime is followed,

the calories are optimized

– excess calories are burned

– conscious mind monitors the food consumption

– fluid intake is increased as per the specified discipline.

on loosing the Kgs, we start going lax and start thinking one ice-cream won’t make a difference, its a small burger, would go on a walk tomorrow …… what will happen ……

More calorie consumption



No extra calorie burnout (no exercise)



Weight increase


No increased fluid intake


No conscious food monitoring

the result – An Increased Weight!!!!!

So, if the diet followed is a healthy diet and not a fad diet, the weight doesn’t come back. so don’t think on so many questions. Make up your mind and take the first step towards a healthy living. It is your life and your body so take control and take your own decision.

We are there to mentor you, guide you, and help you. You can reach out to our team of professionals through a simple email on consult@choosemydiet.com. Be Healthy!!!!